Pretty Productive Quilt Planner

I have a secret:  I am an organization and productivity addict.  Seriously, I need an intervention.  I've been hooked on planners and bullet journals and planning systems for decades.  And now it's taken over my quilting life.

I've started keeping a planner I'm calling the Pretty Productive Quilt Planner because.... well, it's pretty and productive and helps me plan my quilting!

Here are the products I'm using: 

  • Leuchtturm1917 Journal -- I chose this journal because (a) I've always wanted one and (b) it's THE GOLD STANDARD of journals.  I know I'll be able to get this exact one for years to come.
  • Planner Pens -- I already had these.  I use them in my regular planner and I LOVE THEM!
  • Index Card Pockets -- These are SO COOL!  I save snips of my fabric in these clear pockets so I can see what fabrics I used

I am making a spread for each quilt to track my materials and progress


and a spread for each week to track my quilting time


Do you track your quilts and quilting time?  

Why not start now?



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